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On this page you may find interesting articles and presentations related to welding technology, material fatigue and standards which can be downloaded for free.

GNAW welding
  1. Technical presentation about high frequency hammering technologies - Dutch
    This is a copy of a presentation performed by Pieper QSI during a meeting of the NVDO (Dutch Society for Efficient Maintenance) with relation to the possibilities of such technologies.

  2. Stress Corrosion Cracking - English
    An article of the NPL United Kingdom (National Physical Laboratory) about Stress Corrosion Cracking and the mechanism and circumstances which causes SCC.

  3. Short info PIT - English
    A short presentation about the patented PIT technology (Pneumatic Impact Treatment) owned by Pitec GmbH in Germany by which it is possible to enhance the fatigue strength of materials and welded connections. For mor information you may contact Pieper QSI.

  4. Short info PIT regarding maintenance - English
    Also a presentation of Pitec GmbH regarding the application of PIT during maintenance of equipment and structures.

  5. Test report TU Stuttgart regarding PIT - German
    A report of the Technical University of Stuttgart with results of tests executed on samples treated with PIT.